- To Darren Tucci, for providing access to numerous highly expensive and elusive CD releases from Japan, which ensured this project is far more complete than it otherwise would have been. It was also his suggestion that the studio dialogue snippets be included and separated from the accompanying tracks, and it’s all the better for that. He provided a welcoming second set of eyes and ears, and has been an indispensable sounding board along the way.
- To Jon Ehret, for positivity and encouragement towards the end, and for vital editorial and creative genius in producing the final version.
- and [email protected] Thank you to Scott Smith for hosting, and Brian Cady for his in-depth research.
- Thank you to Rich Wiener for pointing out variations and what’s where and when.

- and the innumerable people who helped inform me of corrections, additions and oversights to the original version of this project.
- “Anyway Anyhow Anywhere – The Chronicle Of The Who 1963-1978” by Matt Kent and Andy Neill
- “The Who On Record” by John Atkins
- Liner notes that accompany the various CD releases from which these tracks have been taken, with particular reference to the hard-back book that is contained within the “Quadrophenia – The Director’s Cut” set for its incredibly detailed sessionography.